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Bicycle Stands Beat Traffic Jams

Traffic goes hand in hand with modern day living and unfortunately motor vehicle traffic brings with it other issues like the effects of exhaust fumes. But the level of traffic and its associated issues can be lessened through the increased use of cycling and the provision off Bicycle Stands to support this. Continue reading

Street Furniture For A Better Urban Lifestyle

A prime consideration for any new commercial, industrial or civil development is the idea of public amenity. It is essential that thought be given to the need for things like outdoor seating, litter bins, bollards and more. When these are amongst the things you need to consider for your project, talk to Killeshal about Street Furniture. Continue reading

Steel Bollards for Distinctive Urban Traffic Control

The urban landscape is a hotbed of interaction. It is that very interaction that makes our urban areas such exciting places to be with people from all walks of life engaging in all manner of social and economic activities. But, it is also that same level of interaction that we have to keep in mind when planning urban areas and we must always ensure that both pedestrian and vehicle traffic is managed to appropriate levels of safety and comfort. One of the most stylish ways of achieving this is with Steel Bollards from Killeshal

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Stone Cladding – The Solution is StoneWrap

There was a time when a new build could not even be contemplated if it did not feature smooth clean-lined walls. In recent years there has arisen a new-found appreciation for the unquestionable character of a stone-faced wall. The only problem with this however, is the cost involved with the craft that is stone masonry. The solution… is StoneWrap Stone Cladding.

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Featured Product Bollards
Featured Product – Tactile Studs