Drainage Gullies & Lids

Killeshal Drainage Gullies and Lids

We provide a range of three road gullies to suit all standard requirements and cast iron C250 D400 covers and frames to suit all three options:

  • Standard sized Trapped Gully
  • Larger variation of the Trapped Gully
  • Standard Untrapped Gully

We also provide a range cast iron duct covers and frames for all of the above Drainage Gully options. To view our full range of Gullies, download our Brochure.


Our standard sized Trapped Gully is typically used in a situation where there is a likelihood of odours occurring in the drainage system where they are placed. There is also a larger variation of the Trapped Gully which is typically used when there may be large volumes of water to be drained in a short period of time. Our standard Untrapped Gully is ideally used where there is little chance of odours occurring. “Gully Risers” are also available in standard sizes to aid on site installation. Please contact a member of staff should you require gully risers.


Mould No Description
G/1 Untrapped Road Gully
G/2 Trapped Gully
G/5 Large Trapped Gully

Need assistance?

Consult our engineers, we are always happy to answer any questions. Contact the team by phone on 05793 53018, on email at sales@killeshal.com or fill out the contact form below.