Killeshal Drainage Kerbs
Killeshal supply standard precast concrete drainage kerbs and the DuraDrain combined Kerb and Channel Drainage System.
The DuraDrain combined kerb and drainage system, available from Killeshal Precast Concrete Limited, provides efficient drainage to prevent flooding or settlement and to protect surfaces. Duradrain is a heavy duty combined kerb and drainage system that provides an efficient and safe method of draining highways, car parks and potentially any surface or structure with a kerb edge.
Combined kerb and drainage systems collect run-off continually and quickly which helps extend the life of a project and improve the conditions for users and their safety, particularly in Highways.
DuraDrain 6-pg Brochure – DuraDrain 2-pg Flyer
Safety Kerb
Safety Kerbs are substantial precast concrete channel kerbs and feature an integral slot and drainage channel. The safety kerb can be used in tandem with Killeshal Inspection Boxes and/ or Killeshal Silt Boxes to provide an overall solution.
The Inspection Box follows the same dimensions as the safety kerb but has a wider opening on the topside and includes a solid cover.
Key design features include:
- The Inspection Box allows access for observation
- Usually once per every 10-20 safety kerbs
- The Silt Box is an almost square unit
- Includes a cast iron lid and provides easy access for cleaning purposes
- The silt box usually appears at corners or at junctions where safety kerbs intersect.
Mould No | Description | Dimensions |
K 195 | DRAINAGE KERB | 254 x 116 x 300mm |
K 208 | SILT BOX | 620 x 410 x 250 mm |
K 207 | INSPECTION BOX | 250 x 255 x 914 mm |
K 117 | DBK SAFETY KERBS | 248 x 248 x 914 mm |
K 117b | DBM SAFETY KERB WITH STEEL | 248 x 248 x 914 mm |
K 156 | SPECIAL DRAINAGE KERB | 460 x 70 x 400 mm |
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