I really can’t overstate Killeshal’s ability to accommodate off-standard design. If you need a particular component made up or modified to suit your particular requirements we can help in engineering a solution and providing the precast concrete components that you need.
We were recently contacted by an engineer in Donegal in the North of Ireland who was working on a project to install some off-standard sleeping policemen. The project required charcoal coloured concrete in the sleeping policemen blocks and if this could be provided there would be an additional requirement for matching tactile paving (paving with a textured finish that is often used at crossing points to aid the visually impaired).
The sleeping policemen manufactured by Killeshal are a sturdy unit designed to take the rigorous of busy modern street traffic when bedded appropriately and are an aesthetically pleasing solution.
Jonathan Geraghty inspects the initial Sleeping Policemen blocks off our production lines for the Donegal project
That’s the first batch done… hundreds more to follow, then the matching tactile pavers.
Contact us by phone or email and see how we can meet your needs for construction materials. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. See our Contact Us page for contact information.