A prime consideration for any new commercial, industrial or civil development is the idea of public amenity. It is essential that thought be given to the need for things like outdoor seating, litter bins, bollards and more. When these are amongst the things you need to consider for your project, talk to Killeshal about Street Furniture.
If you take Wikipedia’s definition of street furniture it includes benches, traffic barriers and bollards, litter bins and more. Here at Killeshal, we simply believe Street Furniture is what you need to install on your streetscape to provide a better urban lifestyle.
Within our rather broad definition we would of course include things like benches to rest the weary urban dweller and litter bins, which are an essential part of the modern streetscape and very much needed to cope with the litter generating lifestyles of our modern towns and cities. To provide for this need Killeshal have a range of litter bins to suit all surrounding architectures, precast concrete; exposed aggregate; stainless steel or galvanised metal; wood and steel combinations- we have them all.
But we would also include things like bicycle parking facilities, which we also believe are an essential part of the modern urban landscape. The Transport for London Street Furniture Technical Guidance document states in Section 8.16.-
Cycle parking should be provided where there is a need and it can be practically fitted within the street. The provision of formal cycle parking facilities at public transport interchanges will help cyclists to make integrated journeys…. The lack of secure cycle parking and storage facilities is often quoted as a reason why more people do not cycle.
Its amazing how far the design of the humble bike stand has progressed. We have a wide range of bike stands at Killeshal, from simple concrete and exposed aggregate units to stylish stainless steel and galvanised racks.
Contact our team at Killeshal to see how Street Furniture from Killeshal can support your your project in building a better urban landscape. Click here for our Street Furniture page.
Contact us by phone or email and see how we can meet your needs for construction materials. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. See our Contact Us page for contact information.