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Precast Concrete Wall Caps – For Everyone’s Tastes

Whether your property has a standard, no-nonsense boundary wall and piers and all you want to do is top it off with simple, uncomplicated precast concrete wall caps or maybe you have the kind of property that demands something a bit more out of the ordinary and want to add a different finishing touch to your boundary walls, Killeshal Precast have an extraordinary range of wall caps in a wide variety of styles and sizes for you to choose from. Continue reading

Style and Function with Steel Bollards

They safely segregate pedestrian traffic from cars, trucks and buses, we pass them eith on foot or while driving on a daily basis, we lean against them for a moment’s rest without giving a thought to them and yet in some ways Steel Bollards are the unsung heroes of our streetscapes. Continue reading

Bus Stop Kerbs – Competitive Alternative

No-one likes to take risks with their funds, but what if you could try an alternative, competitively priced product that had already proved itself many times over? Killeshal Precast Concrete’s bus stop kerbs are manufactured with the world’s most commonly used profile as originally used in Germany. What this means is that KPC can provide bus stop kerbs that already have a proven track record.

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Featured Product Bollards
Featured Product – Tactile Studs