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Civil and Drainage

Street Planters Bring Summer All Year Round

Sunshine is not usually the first thing that springs to mind when you think of the climate we have in the UK and Ireland. And there are days when it feels like the only colour in the world is grey. One way to improve our rain-sodden lot is with Street Planters from Killeshal.

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Bicycle Stands Beat Traffic Jams

Traffic goes hand in hand with modern day living and unfortunately motor vehicle traffic brings with it other issues like the effects of exhaust fumes. But the level of traffic and its associated issues can be lessened through the increased use of cycling and the provision off Bicycle Stands to support this. Continue reading

Street Furniture For A Better Urban Lifestyle

A prime consideration for any new commercial, industrial or civil development is the idea of public amenity. It is essential that thought be given to the need for things like outdoor seating, litter bins, bollards and more. When these are amongst the things you need to consider for your project, talk to Killeshal about Street Furniture. Continue reading

Steel Bollards for Distinctive Urban Traffic Control

The urban landscape is a hotbed of interaction. It is that very interaction that makes our urban areas such exciting places to be with people from all walks of life engaging in all manner of social and economic activities. But, it is also that same level of interaction that we have to keep in mind when planning urban areas and we must always ensure that both pedestrian and vehicle traffic is managed to appropriate levels of safety and comfort. One of the most stylish ways of achieving this is with Steel Bollards from Killeshal

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Grass Blocks – Sustainable Drainage Systems

Environmental awareness plays an increasingly significant part in the modern build environment. One issue which has been historically difficult to manage is that of surface water drainage. The answer to this issue traditionally was to pipe the water elsewhere, potentially creating bigger issues elsewhere. Today’s eco-friendly answer lies with Sustainable Drainage systems like Grass Blocks.

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Ulma Line Drainage for Uncommon Rainfall

What a climate we’ve had for the last few years. As I write this, here at the Killeshal offices, rain streams down the windows as it has time and again this winter. When I think of the uncommon rainfall we’ve seen this past few autumns/winters (as in this story from The Mail Online on a month’s rainfall coming down in just a few hours) I’m glad we have a top class system for handling excess surface water; ULMA Line Drainage.

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Duct Channels and Duct Covers

Superior Utility Protection From Killeshal

Duct channels and duct covers are an essential part of so many civil engineering projects today. The protection of utility lines has to be ensured both to eliminate the cost of avoidable wear and damage repair and to safeguard against hazards such as electrocution. One example of this kind of major project is the city light rail system for which we supplied many miles of custom duct channels and duct covers.

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Featured Product Bollards
Featured Product – Tactile Studs