Striking a balance between what we’d like to have and what we know is good for us is not always easy. The same rings true for adapting our environment to our needs. But, when it comes to providing “hard standing” in an eco-friendly manner or “eco-parking” if you will, then Grass Blocks from Killeshal Precast make it easy.
Traffic has increased exponentially over the last few decades. It’s not just the volume that has increased either, the average size of vehicles seems to have mushroomed. Bigger vehicles on the roads in such large numbers means great care must be taken to ensure that products like KPC’s Traffic Management Kerbs are in place as required. Continue reading
Any build project, whether civil or private, will likely have a degree of utility services provisioning to contend with. A simple and effective way to ensure that these services are provisioned safely and with an appropriate level of protection is to use precast concrete duct channels and covers from Killeshal. Continue reading
Steel bollards have been around for a long time now with their origins going back to the up-turned cannons of the defeated armies in the Napoleonic wars. But they have become something far more elegant than the utilitarian re-purposed scrap iron of the past. Continue reading
They safely segregate pedestrian traffic from cars, trucks and buses, we pass them eith on foot or while driving on a daily basis, we lean against them for a moment’s rest without giving a thought to them and yet in some ways Steel Bollards are the unsung heroes of our streetscapes. Continue reading
No-one likes to take risks with their funds, but what if you could try an alternative, competitively priced product that had already proved itself many times over? Killeshal Precast Concrete’s bus stop kerbs are manufactured with the world’s most commonly used profile as originally used in Germany. What this means is that KPC can provide bus stop kerbs that already have a proven track record.
Our collective lifestyle today generates quite a bit of rubbish. In order to ensure that we can deal with that and prevent it from becoming litter blowing around us we must ensure that we provide outdoor bins adequate for the task. Continue reading
The best road drainage system you could possibly install is only as good as the drainage gullies that it incorporates. Without these essential components it could not operate effectively. Killeshal provides a range of drainage gullies and lids.
It doesn’t seem to matter what time of year it is, there seems to be an endless supply of rainfall, and the best way to manage the resultant surface water drainage issues is with Ulma Line Drainage from Killeshal. Continue reading
Marker posts and slabs from Killeshal are an excellent way to provide clear and long-lasting identification for utility services lines. Continue reading